Monday, January 10, 2011

Fish Success!!! Last day of challenge!

Well no photos today.  I'm very busy at work.  Suffice it to say that it was a good day.

My body bugg is making me aware that I have to move.  It is interesting.  Tonight it told me I had a deficit of 768 calories but I needed to burn 500 more.  Goodness gracious! 

I'm going to continue this food blog for the next week.  I'm going to stick to my primarily fish diet, but will add Chicken or turkey breast.  I'll also start logging the data I get from the bugg.  That probably will be more interesting than the food photos, but the photos are still fun.

Today I'm at 1200 calories and am finished for the day.  It was a more difficult day for me for some reason. I thought about cheating after my workout...but drove my behind home instead.  Good decision.  I need to get the extra pounds off and adding to my calorie intake is detrimental to my long term goals.

Conclusion of week one:  No meat protein.  All Fish or beans.  What did I miss?  I guess the fatty foods.  But those I'll miss for the rest of my life.

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